A Bombshell Lawsuit From a Former Fox Sports Hairstylist Alleges Skip Bayless Offered Her $1.5M For Sex And Joy Taylor Used Her Sexuality To Get Jobs Courtesy Of a Scumbag Network Executive
Last night a bombshell lawsuit dropped that targets prominent figures over at FS1. Big names, sex, deception, power hungry insane individuals, Skip Bayless. It's got it all. It was a great time on the internet with memes flooding the joint. There's a lot here so let's get unraveling.
We'll start with who is bringing this all to a head. That'd be a former Fox Sports hairstylist named Noushin Faraji who worked for the network from 2012 until last summer.
Throughout the lawsuit, which you can find in full here, she goes after Skip Bayless, Joy Taylor, and Fox executive Charlie Dixon for sexual harassment, discrimination, racism, and more. We'll begin with Skip's part of the ordeal.
(Front Office Sports) After starting work on the Undisputed morning show starring Bayless, the suit alleges he began giving Faraji “lingering hugs and kisses on the cheek while putting his body against hers and pressing against her breasts.” The single mother alleges she repeatedly told Bayless she was not interested in him and did not “date at work.” She also claims she told Bayless she was suffering from ovarian cancer, after developing issues with her left ovary, in an effort to halt his advances.
Instead, Bayless became more aggressive over the years, according to the suit. He allegedly offered Faraji $1.5 million to have sex with him—and claimed he could “change” her life. The suit also claims Bayless accused Faraji of sleeping with Shannon Sharpe, his co-star on Undisputed.
A majority of the lawsuit details how determined Skip was to have sex with this woman. Just when you thought they were done mentioning it, he pops right back in to try and get it done. She would not give in which led to him only wanting it more. He called her "voluptuous." Poor Ernestine.
Skip became convinced Faraji was sleeping with his co-host Shannon Sharpe for a while and grilled her about it. He could not live in a world where Shannon was with his beloved hairdresser and he wasn't. Turns out she was never with Sharpe and he later apologized to her for all of that. Classic mixup.
Next up? Charlie Dixon, the head of content over at FS1 and his relationship with host Joy Taylor. Faraji and Taylor struck up a friendship in 2016. That's when Faraji noticed a man was always around Taylor when they'd go out for drinks. Turns out that was Dixon. Look at this fucking guy.

The lawsuit alleges they were sleeping with each other and that Dixon pushed for Taylor to gain prominent roles at the network despite her having no experience whatsoever. This guy had all the power and he used it for his personal interests. That'd be Joy Taylor.
Skip apparently wanted nothing to do with her joining his show with Shannon Sharpe, but as a favor to his friend Dixon he gave in. Fun fact, both Taylor and Dixon were in serious relationships with other people while this was all going on. Here are some of the excerpts from the lawsuit.


At one of Taylor's birthday parties Dixon paid for everyone's drinks on the Fox company card. There he went onto get hammered and grope Faraji. She went to none other than her friend Joy to help with the situation who told her to "get over it" and that they only have jobs because of him.
There's also a piece in here that says Joy Taylor's fiance at the time, former NBA guard Earl Watson, broke off their engagement after he found out she was sleeping with Dixon. As a result, Dixon paid off Watson's wedding deposits to keep quiet.
Eventually Taylor and Faraji's friendship ended which led to a number of issues. It's implied that Taylor later on was pushing Dixon to fire Faraji. The lawsuit also outs Acho and Taylor having a sexual relationship. When Faraji told her that was a bad idea considering the Dixon relationship, Joy Taylor said she would tell Fox that Dixon forced himself on her.
The internet is having a field day with the Acho stuff, digging up all of his over the top compliments to Taylor. The stuff they were doing in the bedroom must have been generational. Acho isn't guilty of anything here other than consensual sex, but the videos are great to laugh at.
Right now this whole thing is coming from one side. While it's seems incredibly damning on those mentioned, it's worth noting these are just allegations. Tough to tell what hard evidence she has to back all of this up, but if she's able to confirm it then this is fucking nuts. And this is just the stuff we know about. It's a class action lawsuit which opens the door for others to come forward as well against this Dixon fella. So far no one involved has spoken up outside of Fox saying they're taking this very seriously and will investigate it thoroughly. We shall see. In the meantime, I'll be laughing at this Dave/Nadu interaction. I've got tears running down my face.
P.S. Incredible addition to this that has nothing to do with the lawsuit.
P.P.S. Huge W for Cowherd with this being his only mention