Behold: The Most Correct Animal Tier List The World Has Ever Seen (According To The Yak)
"What type of humans would certain animals be?" This question has plagued us as a nation for long enough & thankfully The Yak has emerged with answers. Given, we may not be the most academic show at Barstool (that would be Chiclets) but I'll be damned if this isn't the most comprehensive, spot-on Tier List the world has ever seen. Even moreso than when we decided what every day objects were poop and which were pee. (Forks and knives are poop, spoons are pee. Obviously.)
We know we nailed it because immediately comments started flooding our account:


There's thousands & thousands more but you get the idea, but the fact that everyone agreed in the same manner speaks volumes.
The only slight disagreement was that I thought horses are just girls and KB thought they were hot girls, but it's been settled peacefully. Anyways, here's the full list below and also a photo of Fasoli in a super tight bucket hat. Please feel free to comment that "this is correct" and/or "what the fuck did I just read". (And if you do comment the latter, highly recommend tuning into The Yak & it will make more sense. We're live every weekday from 12 - 2ish CT.)