
Carrie Underwood Stole The Show Today Going Full Acapella During An Audio Glitch At The Inauguration

Talk about goosebump city. 

They threw it to Carrie Underwood to sing "America The Beautiful" and apparently they outsourced the DJ job because the guy in charge of laying the TV track (that's professional dj speak for a backing track or "audio bed") completely shit the bed. 

Talk about dropping the ball when the bright lights come on. 

But that's why Carrie Underwood is a professional's professional. 

Unflappable. Unshaken. She kept her foot dug into the box, gave the guy a few seconds to get his shit together - and when he didn't, she audibled and went acapella. 

And knocked it out of the fucking park. 

I don't care how much you love, or hate Trump, if you call yourself an American there's no way for you to have witnessed and heard that and not gotten chills. 

This really is the greatest country on Earth. God Bless America. 

p.s. - bonus points to Carrie for her "Pelosi salute" at the end. I see you player