DJ Akademiks Gives BOMBSHELL Accusation That LeBron James Has Sex with Women Who Aren't His Wife
This DJ Akademiks fellow. He kinda stinks, right? Is that the prevailing thought on this guy? I guess probably isn't the right place to pose that question. Chubby streamers who throw tantrums about people being mean to Drake doesn't exactly fit the Barstool demographic. People come to Barstool for chubby streamers who throw tantrums over bad gambling beats and the New York Mets.
I think DJ Akademiks sucks. But every time he pops up on my timeline, I end up feeling bad for the guy. His whole thing is being an over-the-top Drake super fan. He'll go to war with anyone who dares come at his king. Any time a halfway noteworthy person takes a perceived slight at Drake, you'll find DJ Akademiks crying on camera about it. So with all the Kendrick Lamar vs Drake stuff that went down last year, he's been having a pretty rough go of it. And in the last DJ Akademiks clip I saw, the man is damn near in tears as someone breaks him the news that Drake might not actually consider him a dear friend.
Poor guy. He just wants Drake to love him. Like the son of a distant conservative father. A father who will never say "I love you" back, no matter how aggressively you defend him of the pedophile accusations.
But when it comes to LeBron allegedly cheating on his wife. I'm sorry DJ Akademiks. I just don't think that's the mic drop breaking news you think it is. He really thought he was gonna teach LeBron a lesson for casually dancing to the most viral rap song of 2024 by divulging exclusive information that only DJ Akademiks was privy too. Like LeBron having sex with women who aren't his wife hasn't been public knowledge from the time he entered the NBA. LeBron has been sliding into DM's since he had to keep his flirting to 140 characters. He's throwing sex parties and having women sign NDA's left and right.
Ok so maybe Rachel Bush and Sofia (with an F) Franklin aren't the most reputable sources. But where there's smoke there's fire. I was always under the impression that LeBron and his wife had some sort of fucking other people arraignment in place. I have no idea if that's actually true or not. But I'm sure it's not a secret to her. It's funny how people can't wrap their minds around the idea that LeBron could potentially be a great father and husband while also sleeping with women outside his marriage. Like a marriage featuring the most famous athlete in America… a man worth $1.2 billion… might look a little bit different than the that of a stereotypical big happy family.
One more thing… Sorry I really didn't set out to write a LeBron James defense blog, but the premise of DJ Akademiks gripe here is ridiculous. What the hell does LeBron and Drake "running 2 mans" (whatever the hell that means) in Toronto together have to do with any allegations against Drake? If a guy I used to hit on women at the bars in college with had a bunch of pedophile allegations come out about him, I'm not going to come out and say, "ACTUALLY I went to college with him. When we went to the bars, we ALWAYS hit on adults."
Of course he isn't being a pedophile around me. Idk what creepy shit he might do in his free time. That's how you end up looking like Katy Perry defending Ellen Degeneres.

Of course Ellen wasn't branding her intern with a hot iron poker front of you, Katy Perry. Just like LeBron seeing Drake fuck an adult woman a few times doesn't prove anything. DJ Akademiks really just sits online all day long waiting for anybody to slightly insult Drake so he can jump down their throat. He'll play whatever cards he has. No matter how stupid. On some level I respect it. He's nothing if not loyal to his good friend Drake. Even if his good friend Drake is completely apathetic towards him. Maybe if DJ Akademiks keeps it up long enough, Drake will learn his government name someday.