Dream Big: Dave Blunts Wants To Crowd Surf During His Upcoming Tour
I've gotten low key obsessed with this dude Dave Blunts. If you don't completely recall where you know him from, Mr. Blunts went viral for performing with an oxygen tank,
and also has gone viral for…wait for it…standing up at one of his shows.
The crowd popping like it's the Undertaker when in reality all he did was stand up kills me.
But those moments aren't enough for Sir Blunts. No siree. You see, being 900 pounds is not the best life. It turns out you spend a lot of time in the hospital. So Davey B is doing the responsible thing and getting healthy this year
With his ultimate goal to crowd surf at a show on his upcoming tour.
That's how you dream big. We all start working out for different reasons- some people want to pick up more girls, some people want to be better at sports, some people simply want to be overall healthier…Dave Blunts though? He just wants to crowd surf. I mean shit, he is a musician after all, and crowd surfing is as musician as it gets. Nothing cooler than belting out your tunes as you are carried by your fans. Unfortunately for DB though, his crowd is unlikely to be 500 of the world's strongest men. And even if it was, I'm still not positive they'd be able to hold him. But as you see in the clip above, he is not deterred. A1C levels be dammed, he is going to crowd surf or commit terrible, unfortunate murders by suffocation trying. I respect the hell out of it. We all aspire to do things we know we can't do. But a perk of being alive is to dream big. Part of the human experience is to aspire for more. Columbus was told he can't find the new world. Edison was told he can't invent the lightbulb. And Dave Blunts was told he can't crowd surf. All I gotta say is I believe in Dave Blunts- just sit back and watch it happen.