
Let Jalen Hurts Take His Drugs In Peace!

Jalen Hurts is now going back to the NFC Championship Game for the 2nd time in his career. That's now 2 trips to the NFC Championship game in 4 seasons as a starting quarterback in the NFL. Just for the sake of comparison, Dak Prescott has been a starting quarterback in the NFL for 9 seasons now, and has played in a total of 0 NFC Championship games. Just wanted to give a little context here to how much of a winner Jalen Hurts is, despite what all the dipshit morons in the world would like you to believe. 

Now it certainly wasn't a performance out of Jalen yesterday that lit the world on fire. Part of that had to do with the weather conditions, and another part of that had to do with the fact that both of his legs were almost twisted straight off of his body. 

His right knee gets rolled up on, his left ankle gets all twisted up, it looks like his groin was about to snap like a wishbone. Somehow, Jalen Hurts was able to get right back into the game (albeit with a brace on his knee), and thankfully it sounds like he avoided any major injury that would keep him out of Sunday's NFC Championship Game. But clearly, a major reason he was able to stay in the game is thanks to our good ol' pals in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Drugs, baby (allegedly). Sweet, sweet drugs got our quarterback feeling right and able to not miss a single snap during that game. 

Clearly one side effect of popping a few pills is that you're going to get a little more talkative. Before last night, I bet Jalen Hurts would never admit to playing video games a day in his life. He'd say that video games are poison to the brain, and that he'd never waste his time with such tomfoolery. But Jalen Percs? Well he has no qualms with talking about spending hours on PlayStation messing with the weather settings on Madden and playing in blizzard conditions all night long. 

It's great to see this side of Jalen. It's awesome seeing him smiling and able to enjoy himself after a win like that. 

All I ask is that we just let this man continue to take whatever drugs he needs in peace over these next (hopefully) two games. We don't need to point out the fact that he's clearly feeling some type of way off a perc at the end of the game. We need 120 more minutes out of this man in order for the Eagles to accomplish everything they set out to accomplish. Let the man take some drugs in peace, and just enjoy the ride while silently knowing our quarterback is high as a kite. 

