Respect The Biz: Dan Wolken Is Furious The Notre Dame Locker Room Was Swearing And Yelling At Him, ND Beat Writer Tells Him To Have Thicker Skin
Massive respect the biz moment last night. Dan Wolken (shockingly) complained on Twitter that it was amateur hour in the Notre Dame locker room. Swearing, not answering questions, not being allowed to ask certain questions. Real Big J complaints. Now, surely, other journalists would have his back, right? Band together and stick it to us people who don't give a shit about what access they have in the locker room? Yeah, not so fast. This is a ND beat writer:
Even Molly McGrath chimed in this morning:
Tough look for Dan here. No one coming to his side in this crusade against the bullies in the locker room after losing a national title game. I do need to know what questions weren't allowed to be asked? He never made it clear what was off limits. I assume it was Al Golden leaving for the Bengals DC job? Marcus Freeman flirting with the NFL? Who the hell knows. Nothing of great importance I'm sure.

I can't stop laughing at the 'amateur hour' though. Sure, everyone is getting paid and eliminates the whole amateur aspect of college sports. But we're still talking about amateurs in theory. They aren't pros, it just really drives home how pissed off Wolken was. Nothing like a good big J complaint, a lot of 'stay classy' and other journalists saying yeah, who gives a shit. Big time respect the biz moments happening right now.