Soccer Tough: Barcelona's Pau Cubarsi Gets 10 Stitches After Getting Kicked In The Face, Would Do It Again Because 'Everything For The Badge'
When you're 17-years old playing for Barcelona you gotta be damn good and willing to do anything to stick around. Enter Pau Cubarsi who is willing to get his face all fucked up for the badge. That's soccer tough. I know that we all like to make fun of soccer for the flopping, faking of injuries, rolling around for a call and all that stuff. So it's time to do the opposite here. Look at that face! Dude got jacked up eating some cleats to the face and would do it again because it's everything for the badge. That's a Dan Campbell guy playing for Barcelona.
I love the thumbs up picture. Dude is basically pulling a Tommy Boy saying he's okay
Gotta do anything for the team. That means sticking your face in there to clear out a ball and help protect a lead so be it. Gonna take some time to get your face looking right again, but welcome to sports injuries. You put your face on the line for the badge. Sometimes you put your Achilles on the line for the stool. Either way we're all athletes getting injured and it sucks. Barcelona needs to do the right thing now and make the picture of him with the thumbs up their logo for a match. Dude is putting his face on the line.