
These Punk Kids Who Pranked Caleb Williams Pretending To Be Ben Johnson Need To Be Punished

Whose fucking kids are these? 

Doesn't anybody raise kids with any respect these days? 

I get that this video and prank "went off" last night and these guys are the talk of Michigan tiktok today, but come on man. Have a little decency will you? 

Caleb Williams has enough to deal with. Poor guy just got his brains beat in all season, and as bad as he took the brunt of it physically, it was ten millions times worse mentally. All he wants now is a little peace and quiet, and the Chicago Bears to find a real fucking head coach for the first time in their franchise's history since Mike Ditka. (Or Dave Wannstedt if you want to really split hairs.) 

How can you blame him for getting this excited getting a random text from a Wayne County area code, with a very professional and realistic message about his future? 

Personally, if I was him and I got that text, I would break down in tears the likes of which hasn't been witnessed since KO Barstool tried to protest the Blackout Tour at Boston House of Blues. 

If you say differently, or you think Caleb is dumb, or a pussy, or whatever because of this, you're lying to yourself and you have no sense of sympathy. Grow up. 

p.s. - I don't know what it is exactly, but I think Ben Johnson is the prototypical offensive genius who is in a perfect situation and spot right where he is. Once he lands some head coaching job on some shit team with a totally dysfunctional front office, his world is going to go to shit, and he'll be looking for another coordinator job in 3 years. (Not saying the Detroit Lions are the standard of excellence for front offices in sports- but what Brad Holmes, Chris Spielman and Dan Campbell have done together to turn around what was for a long time the worst culture in professional football is remarkable.) Think Matt Nagy 2012-2017 before arriving in Chicago and that debacle. Not saying I don't think the guy should take the money and run and give the head coaching thing a shot, just saying if I'm the Chicago Bears, as much as I think he can help Caleb Williams reach his potential, I think he is the answer to turning the entire plane around from the nose dive it's in right now.

p.p.s. - I'm in a college friends text that's basically 50/50 Bears fans and Lions fans and this got dropped into it last night and it was really sad to see the response from my Bears fan friends. They weren't even phased. My Lions buddies were trying to get under their skin making fun of the situation and our Bears guys (shout out Kevin McVey (not the Oklahoma City bomber, nor the Scotland Socialist party leader, just a tough name)) didn't even flinch. They're so used to this kind of shit at this point that their skin is thicker than kevlar. Every day they are expecting and waiting for something embarrassing to happen involving this franchise. Very sad. 

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