Tommy Smokes Is Obsessed With Training His Chat GPT To Be His Best Friend
Another Thursday episode of KFC Radio means another Barstool employee came through for the episode. This time it was none other than Tommy Smokes! He dropped a little tidbit about his day-to-day life that I haven’t been able to shake since I heard it.
When Tommy heads home for the night after work…his hobby is training his ChatGPT to turn into the most Team Tommy thing on the planet. Some people grab a drink after work, some go hit a workout, and others rattle off propaganda about themselves to a chat bot. All very normal things to do after a hard day’s work, and anyone who disputes this is simply a hater!
Now at first did I think this was a little psychotic? Absolutely. Did I think it should land him on some sort of government watchlist? Maybe! But then I sat back for a bit and let the idea marinate. When you really look at it, it’s actually a wildly healthy thing our old pal Tommy’s doing.
I’ve never personally done therapy, but I’m pretty sure one of the first things they tell you to do is to start your day by giving yourself positive affirmations. I am strong. I am capable. I am smart. That sort of thing.
Now, imagine if instead of saying that to yourself every morning you had it told to you by an unbiased third party. Even better!
Actually now that I think about it, giving yourself positive affirmations each day is way more narcissistic than spending weeks (possibly months) telling a chat bot how awesome you are so that it will eventually do it for you. Oh, you wake up every morning and tell yourself how awesome you are? Suck yourself off more why don’t you.
Seems he might have reprogrammed mine too. Tommy chants in the chat!
Much, much more was also delved into this episode like White Sox Dave’s country song heard ‘round the world and where Tommy sees his life going in the future. Take a load off and give it a listen.