
Whitesox Dave Posted An Internet 1.0 Video That Is So Cringeworthy You Need To See It To Believe It And Even When You See It You Won’t Believe It


There is a ton going on today.   Presidential Inauguration.  MLK Day.   National Championship Tonight.   Just as packed a news day as you could possibly have.  And yet somehow inexplicably White Sox Dave has highjacked the newscycle with what I would say is the most preposterous video I’ve seen in the last decade.   I absolutely can’t wrap my mind around the fact that he had the idea to make this, that he made, that he watched it, that other people helped him make it, that he thinks it’s good, that he posted it, that he did wardrobe changes, that he rolled credits etc etc etc.   The entire thing is mystifying to me.  I mean this is Internet 1.0 stuff.  Like when people were posting things on youtube and didn’t even realize other people could see it.    Seriously this may be WSD’s crowning achievement.   To create something  this awful, this horrifc, this cringeworthy while somehow thinking it’s a masterpiece.   WSD just rocketed to the top of the craziest people not only at Barstool but on planet earth.