

I have a blog in the works about this guy, (working title, "Is There A Bigger Spineless Fraud In The World Than Mark Zuckerberg") based on his charades the past few weeks, but in all honesty I might have to shelf it now after seeing this. 

I mean look at this guy. 

How can you blame him?

Bezos fiance showed up to the Inauguration today guns drawn, playing no games. 

Women on social media, always-supportive of other women, are NOT happy to say the least.


(Sidebar - Jeff Bezos, confirmed boob guy.)

She went full Sue Ellen Mischke, on the grandest of world stages. And you have to respect that level of confidence. (And pray for Bezos' dick later this afternoon). 

Flaunting those battle-cannons like that, she knew exactly what she was doing. Talk about asserting yourself. 

They say God is a comedian and seeing Zuckerberg being sat next to Lauren Sanchez when she's got the old milk wagons on display like this is the highest of comedy. 

What a horn dog. Keep it in your pants Zuckerberg! 

Here's hoping Bezos is aware of this, and hits Zuckerberg with the Uncle Frank shower scene lines later at tonight's gala.


p.s. - I hope this means horniness is officially back.