
The First Ever Oppenheimer Signed Rookie Card Is Here

Every now and then a tweet comes across my timeline that truly baffles me and makes me hit an actual double take - and this was definitely one of them. 

Giphy Images.

I had to check and make sure that this Robert Oppenheimer signed card was from the official Topps account a few times over, but whaddya know….it's 100% real! Now that the Paul Skenes 1/1 has been found, I guess the hunt is on for this Oppie!


(It is not lost on me that one of those quote tweets is from a man named Frank J Fleming - maybe a variant?)

I'm so curious about the entire process of this card's production. Who got the idea? Who did they first reach out to about facilitating it? Did the autograph come from some massive historical signature warehouse or a member of Oppenheimer's family? What was it taken from? You think it was a government document? A birthday card? A love note to one of his goomars? An old communist party application? What do they put on the back? Maybe the origin of the auto? Maybe a quick bio? His STATS? Two bombs, somewhere between 150,000 and 246,000 killed?! Too soon?!

Personally, I didn't know anything beyond the broad strokes about Oppenheimer til the Nolan movie came out, but I've now seen that film like five or six times so I'm basically an expert on the man's life and psyche, and I know that he would hate this. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna pick up a couple packs and see if my breaks produce a bomb-ass gem-mint Robbie O autograph though. 

I really just want to find it before Darren Rovell's nerdy ass does, because you just KNOW he's gonna be looking for this desperately like a madman. I'll pull it and try to have Cillian Murphy sign his name in a big bold Sharpie right underneath too. That'll really perfect it. Then I'll toss it in the spokes of my bike to show it off.